love is all you need



remember what it was
like to let your legs
run free?

Soft grass crunching beneath your feet as the last rays of golden daylight blister through the sky? Those beautiful days at the end of summer when it felt like it just might last forever?

That is the feeling Little Bites basked in. Every frame, unscripted line and silly prop inspired by the natural spontaneity that is being a kid.

team makes anything possible

***especially when creating 22 spots in one day***


success stories.
Not sob stories.

To capture someone’s success we need to tell their story with d i g n i t y.
Allowing our human to drive, showcasing them as a hero—not a branded element.

We do that by leaning into eye contact, creating connection every step
of the way. Showcasing the world as they see it, as they live it.


The honestly, the anxiety, the truth that comes from deep inside and can only reveal itself when you feel safe.

I’ve been interviewing teens since I was one myself and every tear always reminds me that no matter how much changes we all know the same loneliness and pain.



role reversal

What was the conversation you wish you could have had with your parents? The one with the kernel of wisdom that would have made growing up so much easier.

When you’re a kid you spend all of your time looking up at people. At that age, you’re starting to experience the world but don’t know how to explain your feelings, it’s the narratives you learn and the characters you love that teach you how to live your life.


there is no one size fits all

We all come from different places and have lived different lives. Even if you’re a twin, you’re not the same person as the sibling born a few minutes after you.

Yet, no matter who you are, there was someone in your life who taught you. Who showed you to look at the world in a new way and help you discover the person you are today.

love mom

There is a point in your life when it becomes clear that time is moving quickly and each moment left with your parents is precious.

It’s usually around the point you realize your mother is human and did her best with you. Hopefully this film can help you, the way making it helped me—to finally meet my mother as a person.